Building Safe & Strong Communities

This month on Capitol Hill, National experts came together to discuss community-based alternatives to incarceration that improve public safety and support youth. The panelist all had one definite thing in common: each panelist believes in providing cost-effective, community-based alternatives to institutional placement.
The expert panelists included Judge Denise Navarre Cubbon, Lucas County Juvenile Court, Lucas County, Ohio, Shaena Fazal, National Policy Director, Youth Advocate Programs, Dr. Angela Irvine, Director of Research-Oakland, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, and Steven L. Gates, Program Director, Youth Advocate Programs, Chicago, IL.
Shaena Fazal discussed incentives for effective community-based alternatives for youth in the criminal justice system. She spoke about the Safely Home report which describes how communities and systems can safely support youth in their homes and communities. Currently, most kids are “left out, and locked up.” Fazal says anything done in an institution can be done better in the community by creating an environment that keeps youth safe. She articulated on redirecting the dollars that are spent on incarceration and putting the dollars toward less expensive community programs.

Judge Denise Navarre Cubbon educated her listeners on the steps that Lucas County in Ohio has taken to reduce juvenile justice problems. Cubbon spoke about Reasonable and Equitable Community and Local Alternatives to the Incarceration of Minor (RECLAIM Ohio), which is a funding initiative that encourages juvenile courts to develop or purchase a range of community-based options to meet the needs of each juvenile offender or youth at risk of offending. Cubbon emphasizes that a community can educate with effective programming. She ended her remarks by highlighting outstanding progress in her community; only 17 kids currently in Lucas County Juvenile Detention Center.
Panelist, Steven L. Gates is an antiviolence and community activist who works with high-risk youth and their families in Chicago’s far south side, one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in Chicago. He is the Program Director for Youth Advocate Programs. Gates stressed the effectiveness of catching kids doing something good instead of bad, taking home visits, and being flexible. He says there is disconnect between policy and practice therefore the individualized piece is key. This helps kids and their families listen to what you know because the care is visible.
The panelists emphasized the great outcomes that have come from the JJDPA in the past 40 years. Each panelist reinforced the need to build safe and strong communities.