New FRONTLINE Digital Exclusive Film, Stickup Kid

Stickup Kid, a 30-minute FRONTLINE digital exclusive film, tells the story of Alonza Thomas — who, at age 16, was sent to adult prison after being charged with armed robbery shortly after California enacted a new tough-on-juvenile-crime law.
One of the first minors tried under Prop. 21 in California — and how spending over a decade behind bars in adult prison impacted him. It's a provocative look at a major social issue for which there are no easy answers — and it gives new insight into the ongoing debate over juvenile sentencing Alonza went on to spend more than a decade behind bars.
The documentary is a provocative look at a major social issue for which there are no easy answers — and it gives new insight into the ongoing debate over prison reform in America.
It was produced in association with the Investigative Reporting Program at the UC Berkeley Graduate School of Journalism.
You can watch Stickup Kid, here.
You can also watch on PBS's Youtube channel, here.
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