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Contact Information

Just City Memphis was founded in 2015 by a group of activists, attorneys, and civic leaders who saw the need for a powerful, independent voice to support the individuals, children, and families who are or have been in contact with, the criminal justice system in the Mid-South. It advocates for strong, consistent adult and children's right to counsel policies and accelerate community-driven solutions to the problems presented by the criminal justice system. 

Primary Contact Name: Josh Spickler
Position: Executive Director
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 901-206-2226
Website: https://justcity.org/
Twitter: @JustCity901


Bill Number: SB 2261/HB 2271

Type of Reform

Detention Reform - Provides that youth transferred to the jurisdiction of a sheriff to be held in adult jail may be held in a juvenile detention center for safekeeping instead.

Year: 2018

Bill Number: SB 2261/HB 2271

Type of Reform

Transfer Reform - Provided that youth under 14 can be transferred, but only for criminal homicide or attempted criminal homicide. Before this law, they could be transferred for 13 additional offenses. Provided that youth 14 or older may be transferred for 15 specified offenses. Before this change in law, 16 and 17-year olds could be transferred for any offense: the list was not limited to serious felony offenses.

Year: 2018
