Youth Justice Action Month is October – Less Than a Month Away!

By Brian Evans, CFYJ State Campaigns Director
Youth Justice Action Month (YJAM) is October – less than a month away!
Whether you are just starting to organize, or are already planning something, please Sign up today so we can work with you to make YJAM as impactful as possible!
Since 2008, YJAM events and activities have elevated and amplified the conversation about the need for better youth justice policies. The 10th anniversary of YJAM will take place in the final lead-up to one of the most important election days in memory.
Over the past decade, we have made steady progress in reforming our justice system to treat more children as children, and in fostering a culture in which children in trouble with the law are loved and cared for rather than criminalized. This progress is under severe attack by political forces at the national, and in some cases local level – from the revival of the discredited mythology of the super-predator to the unbelievably heartless and cruel policy of seizing and caging the children of asylum seekers, there is an unmistakable effort to turn children, particularly children of color, into objects of fear.
We need people to #VoteYouthJustice!
As we approach Election Day 2018 (November 6), YJAM activities throughout October will be a perfect opportunity to remind current officials and candidates for office that treating our youth with compassion is the right thing to do, and what we as voters and constituents expect and demand.
From organizing candidate forums, to pushing for youth justice resolutions at the local or state government level, to hosting a film screening or other YJAM event – there are many powerful ways we can engage elected officials, and those aspiring to be elected, while inspiring and educating members of our communities to get involved.
We need you to sign up to organize for YJAM this October!