Youth Justice Awareness Month Support Tools - Plan Your Event Today!

As Youth Justice Awareness Month (YJAM) quickly approaches, the Campaign for Youth Justice wants to assist you in putting on your event - starting now! Along with the toolkits and templates available on our YJAM page, the CFYJ team has developed a set of tutorials on what it takes to host a successful YJAM event. Tips ranging from hosting any size event, FUNdraising, and even how to plan a 5K Race!
Check out the links below to listen to these useful recordings:
How to host a successful YJAM event
How to host a YJAM 5K Race
Fundraising for your YJAM event
And don't forget to visit our YJAM page for other great event planning tools.
Continue to keep us updated on your plans and please let us know if you need further assistance! Contact CFYJ Field Director, Angella Bellota: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.